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         MATHS AND DANCE  

     An online learning experience for year 3 student

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Links to Curriculum 

Teachers will need music for the activities within pollys pattern land, which is located to the right of the page under the tab pollys pattern land. The following song can be used for Musical Shapes -

The activity following the online resource encourages students to extend their knowledge learnt on patterns by creating their own 16 counts with a partner. This activity also allows students to further extend their introduction to the concept of symmetry by engaging physically with their learning. 


Activity following Pollys land of patterns - Click on the play button to hear a description of  the activity

Resource Tip - To create the squares as shown in the classroom, chalk can be used to draw squares on the carpet. 


  • Song to use - Better when I'm Dancing - Meghan Trainor - 4/4 timing - 
Example of movement ideas for dance sequence 
The following examples are sequences that could be created by year 3 students. The 8 counts shown include a pattern of 4 counts performed twice. In this example student one would create the first 4 counts and student 2 would remember the pattern and repeat it back. One example also shows a rotation (half jump to the back & then front), this could be integrated as a challenge to students. As seen in the picture below, the student has also shown a symmetry with their body, if they were to draw an imaginary line down the middle of their body, either side would be symmetrical. Teachers are encouraged to ask paired students after they have performed their 16 counts together to pause in a position they believed to be symmetrical and the audience are to determine the line of symmetry. 














Number and Algebra

Patterns and Algebra 

Describe, continue, and create number patterns resulting from performing addition or subtraction (ACMNA060)

  • Students represent patterns seen on the screen with corresponding dance moves. Students then create an 8 count pattern with their partner. Students in the class are asked how they would continue this pattern. 


Location and transformation 

Identify symmetry in the environment (ACMMG066)

  • Students develop their skills in symmetry throughout the second activity as they explore the different positions with their bodies that can be made to represent symmetry. 


Improvise and structure movement ideas for dance sequences using the elements of dance and choreographic devices (ACADAM005)​

  • Altering movements in a set, teacher-directed or student-devised dance using the elements of space, time, dynamics and relationships to express ideas, for example, increasing the size of a movement to represent growth

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